I just love fall. In Texas it seems to start later and later each year. We are currently still having 90-100 degrees days so it feels like summer. Saturday trips to Farmers Market remind me that Fall is near though. This week Carl picked up some acorn squash. It is the first we have had this season. We have eaten our share of Summer yellow squash and zucchini so this was a nice change. Previously I would have stuffed these with a sausage and bread based stuffing but since we now don’t eat sausage I needed to find another way to cook these. Quick Pinterest search and I found lots of options. I ended up using this recipe from Vegan Huggs. I left out the mushrooms since I don’t like them and it was VERY good. I have several Plant based boards on Pinterest if you want to see them. Below is the picture of our dinner!

We saw the Movie Game Changers last night. It was very well done. I hear it will possibly be available for streaming soon. If you didn’t get a change to see it you really should. Watch it with your non plant based friends and family.
We hope this finds you well on your journey to healthier eating!